Thursday, February 23, 2017

Down the memory lane...

While traversing through an utter dark space
I stumbled upon everything that I faced

Tripping over everything that came my way
I decided to succumb to nature's way

But with their utter selfless simplicity
They inspired me not to give up seeing complexities 

Showing me the key technologies
They made me experience their incredibilities

And now, when I realize my limited knowledge
All I want to do is to be on an inquisitive phase

I bow down to all those who made this happen!


Friday, January 13, 2017

Harvest Time!

With relentless march of time
My life ticks away in vain

It's time to burn all the rubbish
Before it makes me perish

Starting life afresh
To address all the distress

Knowing only what not to do
Still leaves me with a lot to do

As I carefully harvest the past efforts
Let me sow only seeds of joy in all the future efforts

Happy Pongal/Makar Sankranti/Uttarayan!